• The Coronavirus Information

    In light of the ongoing outbreak of the Coronavirus Disease we have been asked if there will be any changes to our worship services over the coming weeks. Current guidance from the National Church is that there should be no requirement to cancel or change worshipping practices. This includes sharing...

  • Christmas Bazaar

    Our Christmas Bazaar this year will take place on 23 November 2018, from 10.30am to 1.30pm. There will be all the usual stalls, including a chocolate tombola for all those with a sweet tooth. The 'Parlour Cafe' will also be open, serving tea and coffee, along with delicious hot and...

  • Jacksons Lane Car Park Petition

    On Friday 7th September Councillor Jon Ekins and members of High St met with Peter Bone MP with a view to presenting a petition to Parliament. The petition is against Wellingborough Council's decision to sell Jacksons Lane car park to a private developer Keepmoat Developments. This afternoon the petition was...

  • Skip Of Gold

    Skip Of Gold Competition! Construction firm Mick George Ltd are offering community groups in Northamptonshire the chance to win £1000 The High Street Community Hub Project has been selected has one of the finalist, another opportunity to boost our funds. Therefore, to help us win the £1000 toward our project,...

  • Jacksons Lane Development – Public Meeting

    On Thursday 31st May a public meeting was held at High Street to protest about the sale of Jacksons Lane Car Park to developers Keepmoat based upon the proposed plans, which would virtually wipe out public parking spaces in the area. The meeting was chaired by our minister Martha McInnes and...

  • Stuart Townend – Tickets Now On Sale!

    One of today’s leading worship songwriters, Stuart Townend will be coming to High St on September 18th 2018 as part of his ‘The Courage Tour’. Hymns such as “In Christ alone”, “How deep the Father’s love”  are sung in churches around the world.  While the depth of his lyrics and his...

  • Public Meeting – Jackson’s Lane Car Park Development

    Jackson’s Lane Car Park Development! On Thursday 31st May at 6pm, The United Reformed Church, High St, Wellingborough will be holding a public meeting to discuss the sale of the land to Keepmoat Developments. We will be inviting all councillors, council executives and Mr Peter Bone MP to this meeting. This...

  • Sunday Morning Service 11th February 2018

    Due to a continuing problems with the heating in church we will continue to hold our services to Salem Hall. The service will commence at the normal time of 10.30am. Salem Hall can be found 50mt up from High Street on Salem Hall, the road to the left of the...

  • 60 Years in Ministry

    On Sunday 24th September we celebrated The Reverend John Slow’s 60 Years of Ministry with a special service at High St, followed by lunch in Salem Hall. Family and friends from across all of the Churches John has ministered joined us to celebrate the ministry and friendship that John has...

  • Constance and Martin

    The United Reformed Church is celebrating a couple of key people this year. One is Martin Luther, who was one of the reformers of the Roman Catholic church 500 years ago. In addition, 100 years ago Constance Coltmann was the first woman ordained in the Congregational Church of England and...