As part of out mission we seek to to support others outside our Church community, whether that is people or groups from the local community or further afield.

Open All Hours
Originally started in 1982 for just one morning per week, the project named 'Open All Hours' aimed to open the church as a drop in for everyone, serving tea and coffee.
With the occasional exception we are now open High St for tea and coffee on Monday to Friday mornings from 10am to noon.

Caring For God's World Group
It was in the mid-80’s that Ken Flemming, working at the Delos Community in Park Street and worshipping with us at High Street, thought we should focus our thoughts, prayers and action on overseas outreach projects and become more aware of the needs of the poor of the world. He was therefore the inspiration and founder member of the aptly named Caring For Gods World Group.
The aim of the group is to raise a minimum £3,000 over a year to support projects around the world. Since it's inception the group has supported 14 different projects from Cambodia to Peru.
The group has temporarily put on hold fundraising for overseas projects to help with fundraising for High St's HUB project.

Mites Scheme
During our offering each Sunday the children make a collection of Mites (5 pences). The Scheme was created in 1986 by Roy Barnett MBE, a member and Elder at Badby URC, Northamptonshire. Since then it has grown and is now supported by almost 100 different organisations, mainly but not exclusively Christian churches of various denominations. The money raised by the Mite scheme is used to fund Oral Rehydration Therapy (ORT) for severely dehydrated children through UNICEF.
Diarrhoea is very common among children in developing countries. Though treatable, it remains one of the biggest causes of death in children under the age of five, accounting for around 1.8 million young lives every year. This is because children with diarrhoea may lose large quantities of both water and salts, causing dehydration.

Conventional trade often lets down the world’s poorest - the people at the very start of the supply chain who grow the tea, coffee, chocolate or fruit that we enjoy.
Fairtrade is an alternative model that puts people back at the heart of the transaction guaranteeing a better deal for farmers and workers and great products for consumers.
Like the town of Wellingborough, High St are a registered Fairtrade organisation. We have a regular Fairtrade stall on Sunday mornings selling a wide variety of Fairtrade and Tradecraft goods.

High St support and are one of the main drop off points for the Wellingborough Foodbank scheme, run by The Daylight Centre.
The Daylight centre is a local charity set up to support people from complex mental health issues, drug and alcohol abuse, learning difficulties, to homelessness or just feeling fragile, isolated and alone.

As well as those mentioned above we also support Christian Aid's Annual Fundraising and awareness week, flowers used to decorate the church each week are distributed to those we are aware of who may be unwell, bereaved or celebrating a special occasion.