For many years churches and registrar offices were the only place weddings could take place. Today there are many more options. Still the church welcomes people who would like to get married, recognising something of God’s presence in their journey of life to the point of becoming a married couple.
The process begins by contacting the office about a ceremony. Then the minister will be in touch to discuss details of the wedding with the couple.
Weddings can be planned a year or two in advance or a few months in advance. To be married in our church the couple will also need to contact the Registry Office and obtain a license that is good for a year. (This is best done after speaking with the minister.) This license is one of the important legal aspects of marriage. In addition, there are two statements that have to be said during the service by both people.
The details of the service are negotiated with the minister. Because the couple is requesting a church wedding it is expected that there will be prayers during the ceremony and a reading from the Bible. There can be hymns and other readings. These are discussed with the minister. Our goal is to create a lovely service for you within the broad scope of the Christian tradition.
Anyone wishing to explore faith further is welcome to come on Sunday morning, meet the minister and other members of the congregation, and discuss how we can help and support you on your personal life journey.
For further information please contact the church office.